
Here at Davis ENT, we diagnose and treat a large variety of throat conditions. Whether it’s a simple problem like a sore throat or a larger problem such as a lost voice that isn’t returning, Dr. Davis and his team are here to assist you.

Common Throat Issues

Common throat problems that we see and how we treat them include the following:

-Sore Throats. Sore throats can be caused by many things, including infections, allergies, or irritants. We diagnose and treat sore throats based on accurately identifying the root issue of your sore throat, offering treatments accordingly.

-Tonsilitis. This is a condition that involves the inflammation of tonsils, the two oval-shaped glands in the back of your throat. We diagnose and help manage tonsillitis through medical therapies, and if necessary, surgery to provide long-term relief.

-Voice Disorders. We evaluate and then treat voice disorders that may be caused by nerve issues, vocal strain, or structural abnormalities. Treatment that we may prescribe for this includes voice therapy, medication, and if needed, surgery options.

-Difficulty Swallowing. For our patients experiencing this, we first identify the root cause. This could be structural problems, neurological conditions, or other. Once we identify the cause, we provide a treatment plan that could include therapy, medication, or surgery when necessary.

-Chronic Hoarseness. This can be a result of vocal cord issues, acid reflux, or a different underlying condition. Voice therapy and/or minimally invasive procedures will help this problem.

At Davis ENT, we offer a wide variety of medical treatments to attempt to cure your throat problems. But if the medical treatment fails, surgery may be necessary. Our surgery options include the following.

-Tonsillectomies. This is a surgery that is done to remove chronically enlarged or infected tonsils that continuously cause infections, difficulty breathing, or extreme inconvenience. This common procedure serves as a help for reducing throat infections and boosting airway function as a whole. 

-Vocal Cord Surgery. This procedure addresses issues such as polyps, nodules, or paralysis that affect voice quality and breathing. Our team use both precise and minimally invasive tools to restore vocal function and to improve overall speech.

-Correcting Structural Abnormalities. We offer surgical procedures that correct throat structural abnormalities, including airway obstructions or deformities that affect breathing or swallowing. The goal of these procedures is simply to restore normal throat function and enhance your quality of life.

Surgical Options