Complete Ear Nose & Throat

From seasonal allergies, sleeping issues such as snoring or sleep apnea, ear aches, or other problems you experience with your ears, nose and throat, we can diagnose your symptoms and find solutions to remedy your problems.

Head & Neck Cancer Program

55,000 Americans will develop cancer of the head and neck every year. Approximately 25% of these patients will die but some of these deaths could have been prevented. Dr. Davis believes the key to treating cancer of the head and neck is early detection. Most head and neck cancers produce early warning symptoms that should not be taken lightly.

Early Warning Signs

  • Lump on your neck – cancer that starts in your head or neck will typically spread to the lymph nodes in your neck before travelling elsewhere. If you find a lump in your neck and it lasts for more than 10 days, you should schedule an appointment with Dr. Davis.
  • Changes in your voice – any hoarseness or other change in your voice which lasts more than 2 weeks should prompt a consultation with our office. Most larynx cancers will cause a change in your voice. While most changes in your voice are not caused by cancer, if the symptoms persist, see your doctor.
  • A Growth in Your Mouth – if you have soreness or swelling in the mouth that does not go away, you should use this as a potential warning sign. The sores and swelling may initially be painless unless they become infected.
  • Swallowing Problems – cancers of the throat or esophagus can make swallowing your food more difficult. Often times the food will get “stuck” at a certain point in your throat and will either proceed to the stomach or come back up. If you have trouble swallowing for an extended period of time, you should schedule a visit with your physician.
  • Persistent Earaches – constant pain in or around your ear when you swallow can be a sign of infection or a tumor growth in your throat. These persistent pains in conjunction with any of the above problems should prompt you to schedule a visit with a physician.

Risk Factors for Head & Neck Cancer

As many as 90 percent of head and neck cancers arise after prolonged exposure to specific factors such as tobacco or alcohol use. In adults who neither use tobacco products nor consume alcohol, cancer of the mouth and throat are nearly nonexistent, with the exception of lip and skin cancer which can be caused by overexposure to the sun.

Remember, the key to beating head and neck cancer is early detection. Should you think you have any of these symptoms or would like more information, schedule an appointment with Dr. Davis.

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